Professional career of Jaime Ayosa
Ha participado en reuniones de trabajo con Organismos de la Cooperación Internacional para la gestión de proyectos de desarrollo, promoción comercial y ruedas de negocios.
“International Conference Utah - Peru”
21 y 22 de Agosto de 2013
This was an event organized by the Regional Government of Piura, in coordination with the Governor's Office of the State of Utah, the Foreign Office of Peru and the Regional Government of La Libertad, during the following days:
21/08/13: Foreign Office Headquarters..
22/08/13: The School of Management (PAD) of the University of Piura.
It included a series of meetings between American institutions and their Peruvian counterparts. The American trade mission was formed by 42 organizations divided into three groups: Commercial, Academic, and Humanitarian,
They came to Peru with the aim of establishing alliances with Peruvian partners.
The profiles of the visiting entrepreneurs covered the following sectors: Agribusiness, Trade/Consulting, Banking and Investment, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Energy and Mining, Health, Education, Technology, Government, and Non-Governmental Institutions.
The objectives of the Conference Utah Peru included:
The Business Group:
To promote private Investment - Commercial and International Cooperation.
To promote trade and business expansion between Peru and Utah through strategic partners.
The Academic Group:
To create alliances/agreements between universities or organizations which aim to work faculty or student exchanges, as well as to carry out projects of common interest between the parties.
The Humanitarian Group of Non-Governmental Organizations:
Identify Peruvian counterparts with whom to work on projects of social interest.
Target audience:
Entrepreneurs in the sectors of Commerce/Consulting,
Agribusiness, Construction, Energy and Mining,
Food/Nutrition, Banking and Finance, Health, Education
(universities), and non-governmental institutions in the
Piura region, La Libertad, and Peru.
El Gobierno Regional Piura, en coordinación con el Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores, organización el Foro Internacional: Como hacer Negocios con los Países del Asia”, los días 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2014 en el Auditorio del Hotel Rio Verde de la ciudad de Piura.
At the Forum, the Embassies of the Asian countries shared the commercial opportunities, the demands of their markets, economic cooperation, and the mechanisms that Peruvian businessmen should implement to do business with entrepreneurs in the various economic sectors of this important market.
International Lecturers:
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Peru.
Embassy of Malaysia in Peru
Embassy of Thailand in Peru.
Embassy of India in Perú.
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Peru.
Embassy of Japan in Peru.
Embassy of the Republic of South Korea in Peru
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Peru.
Target audience:
Regional Governments of Northern Peru.
Chambers of Commerce of Northern Peru
Businessmen of Northern Peru, and economic agents such as Associations of agricultural, fishing and artisanal producers, etc.
Universities of Northern Peru.
Why this Forum was jointly organized with ASIA:
Asia se ha convertido en uno de los propulsores importantes de la economía mundial con un crecimiento medio del 7,5 por ciento en los últimos años, «más alto que en cualquier otra región del mundo». El Asia Pacifico posee la mayor concentración de población mundial, y es uno de los mercados económicos y turísticos más importantes del planeta. Todo esto unido a las posibilidades educativas y económicas que ofrecen sus países, se convierte en una oportunidad para que el empresario peruano se acerque a la economía de mayor auge y crecimiento en el mundo.
The Asian market is still under-explored by Peruvian businessmen, as evidenced by the fact that only 12% of our food exports are directed to that destination. Therefore, there is a great potential to be exploited.
The opportunity offered by Asia to do business is not only due to its economic strength, but also to the increased purchasing power of the middle-class population, whose consumption pattern has been changing towards a more exclusive performance. This is due to the fact that it is the region where the middle class is growing the most and where it will grow the most in the next decade, which results in a wide range of opportunities for the Peruvian businessman.
This multicultural region has the countries with the highest education and welfare indicators in the world. It has had a significant economic and employment growth in the last 20 years, standing out in the manufacturing industry with high value-added in technology.
Given the significant economic growth that Peru continues to experience in recent years and the common potential between the two regions, we must promote stronger relations between small and medium-sized Peruvian companies to create greater cooperation in development, as well as a form of business collaboration, through contracts such as joint ventures, franchises, among others, set out in our legislation and those permitted by international practices in the areas of food security, agriculture, fishing, tourism, energy, transportation and protection against natural disasters.
As a result of the formation of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), several meetings have been held, thereby contributing to strengthen the sense of the Asia-Pacific community and reduce the differences between the economies of the region through a sustainable growth path. Its members account for approximately 60% of the world's GDP and 50% of world trade. APEC is the most economically dynamic region in the world. In addition, they account for about 50% of the world's population.
Both regions have great possibilities for collaboration that have not yet been explored and this International Forum presents a showcase for this possibility of interaction. Peru must increase its ties with the Asian region. The interest is mutual since they need what we have (raw materials and food) and they have what we want (technology and good innovation practices in business development).
7 de abril de 2014
En el contexto de la Macro Región Norte del Perú, se organizó el Seminario Internacional: “La Cooperación Internacional y las Políticas de innovación para el desarrollo territorial de la Macro Región Norte”, el dia 7 de abril de 2014 en el Hotel Rio Verde.
Within the scenario of an increasingly demanding competitiveness that prevails in the global world, subnational territories must take strategic actions that allow them to carry out their development projects in coordination with local, national and international agents. International Cooperation is a tool that, in collaboration with institutional agents in the country and abroad, allows the execution of sustainable development projects in the fields of education, health, technological innovation, institutional strengthening and productive economy.
The International Seminar brought together the Regional Governments of Northern Peru and their civil society institutions to learn about the international cooperation opportunities available, so that actions can be designed according to the new scenarios and approaches presented.
To present the opportunities offered by international organizations that are accredited in Peru, in the following sectors: cooperation, economic, commercial, cultural, science and technology promotion.
International institutions that offered conferences:
European Union
Embassy of Japan
The World Bank
OIKOS - Portugal
The Institute for Self-Reliant Agriculture - USA
National institutions that offered lectures:
Foreign Office of Peru
Regional Government of Piura
Target audience:
Regional Governments of Peru, Chambers of Commerce of Peru, Universities of Northern Peru, Provincial and District Municipalities of Piura, Universities of the Piura region, Non-Governmental Organizations of Piura.
A decade into the 21st century, external projection is no longer the sole task of central governments; new organizations and sub-national entities have appeared with their own agendas of inclusion in the international level, seeking to open up their relations to achieve a positioning that will allow them to increase their institutional development capabilities in the business, social, academic, cultural and political spheres.
The management of local and regional territories should not only be organized with national institutions, but also maintain a direct relationship with international organizations to carry out joint cooperation and exchange work to promote economic, scientific, academic, commercial and cultural development, as well as international cooperation.
Given this context, during 2011, the Piura Regional Government, through the Regional Management of Economic Development, promoted international relations with subnational governments abroad and their economic and social agents, with the purpose of working on an agenda of specific activities in the economic, social, scientific-academic, commercial and cultural fields. The planned lines of work of this International Action are divided into four lines of action:
Cultural promotion among the territories: Artistic and cultural activities.Academic and Scientific promotion among the different territories: Universities and Technological Institutes.
Business promotion between territories: Chambers of Commerce, associations of business producers.
Promotion of social development aid among the territories. International Cooperation through Non-Governmental Organization for Development, Foundations and others.
To make local agents aware of the tools of Paradiplomacy to work with subnational governments abroad and their social and economic agents in matters of common interest, as well as the successful experiences of projects carried out by international organizations
To promote the international positioning of local institutions for sustainable development.
To sign agreements with International Cooperation Organizations.
To establish dialogues and/or agreements between international and local institutions.
Representatives of the Bureau of Cooperating Partners of Piura.
Regional Governments of Northern Peru.
Regional Sectoral Directorates of the Piura region.
Direcciones Regionales Sectoriales del ámbito regional de Piura.
Universities of Piura.
Representatives of the Chambers of Commerce - Piura region.
25 de noviembre de 2011
The Regional Government of Piura along with the Embassy of Brazil in Lima and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, organized the SEMINAR: “HOW TO EXPORT TO BRAZIL”, el día 17 de abril de 2013, en el Auditorio CPA de la Universidad de Piura.
The Seminar was held within the framework of the Competitive Import Substitution Program (PSCI), a program designed by Brazil to replace its imports from North America or other continents with those coming mainly from neighboring countries.
The format of the aforementioned seminar consisted of carrying out specialized talks about import regulations operating in Brazil, as well as providing information on Peruvian products that are in demand in the Brazilian market. The talks were given by highly specialized Brazilian public servants from institutions in their country that are related to imports of goods, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA), the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX-Brasil), the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO), among other institutions.
The Regional Government of Piura, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organized the I Summit of Southern Ecuadorian Prefects and Northern Peruvian Regional Presidents, which took place on December 15th, 2009, at the Campus of the University of Piura.
The Regional Governments of Northern Peru and the Prefectures of Southern Ecuador seek to work together on integration projects in six thematic areas: Economic Development, Social Development, Environment, Physical Integration, Governance, and Research, Science and Technology.
Objectives of the Summit
To address issues of common interest for the comprehensive development of the border region, such as joint programs to fight poverty and the sustainable development of the border population.
To contribute to the promotion of development and socio-economic integration on the Peru-Ecuador border, allowing the formation of development and exchange networks in the decentralized governmental and academic areas.
To identify the common problems that affect the Prefectures of Southern Ecuador and the Regional Governments of Northern Peru, and propose a joint work agenda between the regions.
To create a space for the exchange of experiences and reflection on the participation of the decentralized governments in the creation of a strategy for Development and Neighbourly Relations.
To promote the development of research in science and technology among institutions.
Main points
Economic Development.
Social Development.
Physical Integration.
Research, Science and Technology.
Regions that participated in the Summit:
Morona Santiago.
El Oro.
Zamora Chinchipe.
Macro-regional Congress on International Relations
26 – 27 de noviembre de 2012
En el contexto de la creación de la Red Regional de Desarrollo Económico como una estrategia de gestión pública, se organizó el Congreso Macro Regional de Relaciones Internacionales, para compartir y articular experiencias institucionales en materia de acción exterior. Dicho evento se realizó los días 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2012 en el Auditorio de la Universidad Nacional de Piura.
In the scenario of an increasingly demanding competitiveness that prevails in the global world, the Subnational territories must carry out strategic actions that enable them to assume a leadership in order to make themselves known and take advantage to get several opportunities that exist in the foreign market, whether in the commercial, cultural, academic, scientific or international cooperation.
This Congress gathered regional participants from the North of Peru to analyze presentations and discuss international issues, as well as to create a space for training and reflection, which allow the design of institutional policies and strategies to improve our management abroad.
Furthermore, this Congress also aimed to promote the creation of a favorable environment for negotiations and business contacts between entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations that would like to create bonds, either to do business or to build strategic alliances between buyers and/or sellers.
To promote a space for training and reflection on international affairs, with the objective of creating strategic actions to improve the management of regional institutions in the academic, business, political and cultural fields abroad.
To develop a Regional Agenda for International Relations.
To inform local participants about the tools of International Relations to work with Subnational governments abroad and their social and economic agents on issues of common interest
To promote the integration of regional institutions into international affairs.
To promote the international positioning of regional institutions for sustainable development
International trade relations from the Subnational Territories.
International Relations from local and regional governments.
International cooperation from Subnational territories
Cultural and academic relations in International Relations.
Authorities and public servants of the Regional Government of Piura.
Authorities and public servants of the Regional Governments of Northern Peru.
Authorities and public servants of the Provincial and District Municipalities.
Universities of the region of Piura.
Chambers of Commerce of the Provinces of Piura.
Chamber of Commerce of Northern Peru.
Non-governmental development organizations (NGOD's) in Piura.
Leadership in International Relations from Subnational Territories
Expositor: Dr. Armando Zarate Gonzales
President of the Peruvian Post Doctors Commission.
Coordinator of the South American Network of Scientific Research
The Politics of the International Relations of the United States of America with Peru
Expositor: Senador del Estado de Utah (USA) Mark Benson Madsen
International Trade from Subnational Territories.
Expositor: Dr. Luis Valdivieso Montano
Former Ambassador of Peru to the United States of America.
President of the Association of Pension Fund Administrators (AFP's) of Peru.
Chambers of Commerce in International Relations
Expositor: Gabriel Aguirre Martens
Head of the Economic Analysis Area
American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (AmCham Peru)
Higher Education Centers in International Relations
Expositor: José Raul Rodríguez Lichtenheldt
University President of the National University of Piura.
Local Governments in International Relations
Expositor: Ruby Rodriguez Vda. de Aguilar
Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Piura
The Regional Government of Piura, Institutional Coordination and International
Expositor: Econ. Jaime Ayosa Rosales
Regional Assistant Manager of International Cooperation
International Cooperation takes place in a new global scenario, characterized by the phenomenon of globalization. Within this framework, the tendencies to form inter-institutional alliances from the local to the international level produce new and innovative possibilities to strengthen political and economic cooperation, concurrently with regional integration processes.
As a result of the creation of the Regional Governments in 2002, the external action of the Regional Governments needs to have a greater management impulse, which will allow them to access effectively and efficiently to international cooperation funds and new business and investment opportunities.
In the context of a more difficult world for accessing cooperation funds, Regional Governments must establish new strategies and institutional alliances from the local to the national and international levels, sharing joint work, information and reflections on the effectiveness of international cooperation.
It is indispensable that the Regional Governments establish a coordinated and complementary work with the regional participants, by having the University as a strategic allied partner as a scientific and technical support for the development of the projects, especially those with social impact, which fight against poverty and promote productive activity.
General objective:
Strengthening of the Regional Governments in their management as members of the Decentralized National System of Non-Reimbursable International Cooperation.
Specific objectives::
To promote the strengthening of bonds between the regions of the country for a better coordination of international cooperation, exchange of experiences and design of joint actions with common interests.
To share lessons learned from previous experience in Piura and other regions of the country, in terms of international cooperation.
To contribute to strengthening of the capacities of Regional Governments for a comprehensive management of international cooperation.
The establishment of inter-institutional synergies that allow the signing of joint working agreements between the regions for the realization of activities and projects with common interest concerning non-reimbursable international cooperation.
Target audience:
Presidents of Regional Governments.
Heads of the International Cooperation Offices of the Regional Governments, or those who act in their stead, and technical personnel of the International Cooperation Offices.
Meeting activities:
I. Cooperation experiences in the Region of Piura:
Regional System of International Cooperation.
Committee of Cooperating Members
Non-governmental development organizations (NGOD's) platforms.
Decentralized cooperation with Navarra, Utah and Andalusia.
II. Cooperation experiences of the regions of Peru.
Working groups:
Cooperation experiences. Regions of Northern Peru
Cooperation experiences. Regions of Southern Peru
Cooperation experiences. Regions of Central Peru
Cooperation experiences. Regions of Eastern Peru
III. Conferences and Panel Discussions: Issues for discussion and debate on International Cooperation.
Conceptual Framework of Decentralized National System of Non-Reimbursable International Cooperation (SINDCINR): progress and challenges.
Speaker: Executive Director of Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI)
Mechanisms for access to Decentralized Cooperation from Regional Governments abroad.
Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru.
Coordination and complementarity of international cooperation programs and projects at a regional level.
IV. Workshop
Contributions for the strengthening of the decentralized National System of International Cooperation.
Analysis and evaluation of the agreements made at the 1st Meeting.
Presentation of the proposal for the institutionalization of the National Meetings on International Cooperation.
Proposals for strengthening the Decentralized National System of International Cooperation.
27 y 28 de mayo de 2010
Jaime Ayosa organizó Misiones oficiales al exterior impulsando las relaciones de amistad e intercambio en los objetivos de:
1.- Promover la cooperación entre los líderes empresariales de ambas Partes, a fin de establecer oportunidades de desarrollo empresarial entre los territorios en las áreas relacionadas con el comercio, la industria, las artes, la cultura, la educación, la salud, el turismo. Con este propósito, las partes promoverán las conexiones empresariales a través de los distintos medios y organizaciones que consideren apropiadas y adecuadas.
2.- Desarrollar proyectos que promuevan el desarrollo económico y social y el aumento del comercio. Iniciar y desarrollar una asociación eficaz basada en el intercambio de experiencias que promuevan futuros proyectos de cooperación.
3.- Fomentar los intercambios culturales, artísticos y educativos para mejorar el conocimiento y la apreciación de la historia, el arte, la cultura y las tradiciones entre las Partes.
4.- Promover la colaboración técnica y científica entre las principales instituciones de investigación, las empresas, universidades y colegios comunitarios de ambas Partes.
5.- Promover la capacitación y la transferencia de tecnología fomentando los contactos y el desarrollo de las relaciones entre los institutos y los centros de enseñanza tecnológica de ambas Partes.
Misión a Extremadura y Sevilla
Misión Oficial al Estado de Washington
Misión Oficial al Gobierno Navarra España
Misiones Oficiales al Gobierno de Utah